Friday, October 20, 2017

#MeToo, The Raw Power Behind the Hashtag

   The author, Margaret Renkl's opinion piece, "The Raw Power of #MeToo," is intended to be an informative piece for everyone, not just women. If you have a mother, daughter, sister, wife or girlfriend, this will include you as well. If you are a son, a brother, or father than the piece is intended to help inform everyone not just men, the difficulty of being women in this world. This article is about the secret stories woman have the misfortunate of having to conceal with them because the world is so different for them, so much so that being sexually harassed is shameful. “The numbers keep ticking up as women tell the stories of men who used their power to overwhelm or coerce them,” says Renkl as more and more women are using social media to bring to light the injustice done to them.
    The author’s credibility stems from the sole fact that she’s a woman who’s gone through the sexual harassment throughout the years from men in her life. She argues that people of power have also abused not just women, but men as well. With men also tweeting their own stories through the hashtag “IHearYou” the epidemic of sexual harassment is alarming and terrifying. However, men can have it as disturbing as women in some cases, because "men can't get raped," or "harassed," some people won't even believe or listen to their stories.
    The author’s evidence is posted all over social media, it has been for 10 years by the African-American activist Tarana Burke. However the authors suggest that the movement will fade, I don't agree with her in this viewpoint. I believe that sexual harassment against women and men will always be relevant, especially now that social media has become a way for more people to get their information, it’s also become a significant way for people to voice their own stories.

Friday, October 6, 2017

The Issue with Gun Control and Gun Rights

The opinion article written by David Brooks," Guns and the Soul of America", does a remarkable job of appealing to the reader’s Ethos. David B also does a good job of giving efficient evidence on the topic, supporting his opinion and providing a better understanding of the points he’s making by giving links to other writers on Gun control. David B. made it apparent that the lack of gun rights after a mass shooting was unfortunately related. This idea came to light by David Frum; A writer for the Atlantic. David F. points out that gun control was loosened after the horrific and devastating shooting, that happened 5 years ago at Sandy Hook Elementary. This helps the reader better understand what David B. is trying to explain in this article. He continues with more evidence between the correlation of horrifying mass shootings and the government making it more accessible for people to buy firearms. A key point that David B. backs up in his article with evidence showing there is a correlation between the mass shooting epidemic and guns rights comes from, the Studies conducted by Michael Luca, Deepak Malhotra and Christopher Poliquin gentleman from the Harvard business school. David B. continues with asking the most obvious question; if there are so many mass killing’s why are gun laws so lenient? His response may be a bit bias, but other than that he has and an idea that could use some further explanation. If he were to use some sort of evidence to back this up then he would have been able to make a valid point. I believe what makes this opinion piece very helpful is that he gives links to surveys, other peoples work, and studies on gun control as well as gun rights like he did with the Pew Survey.  David B. finishes his article with the idea that there is such a high gun issue because people in the united states feel everyone should be able to care for themselves. Which is closely related to a high sense of identity for Americans. I would have liked him to go into further detail in this opinion, however, he did give a link to a political science professor, named Hahrie Han. that helped to further develop his final opinion. Overall it was an informative article, straightforward, and provided helpful evidence.

Blog Stage Eight: Comment on a colleagues work #2

"The Struggle is Real," the most accurate phrase of 2017. This blogger,  couldn't have summed it up any better on her blog, &...