Friday, November 17, 2017

Blog Stage 6: Commentary on a Colleague's Work

I'm doing my commentary on Valerie's Views Blog: stage 5, a post dedicated to woman's health care. Valerie's post was informative, well written and relatable. Not just because I'm a woman living in such a beneficial time, but because I'm a woman who sees those who aren't as fortunate as myself, who struggle to get the option of being provided with birth control.

All the points made in Valerie's post are something that we have been discussing throughout my lifetime.  However, the issues that are solvable through birth control have not been spoken of too often, not to mention birth control being presented as a beneficial alternative. The association of birth control alone has a negative connotation in my house, which may be the case in a lot of other houses because of misconception of birth control just being for sex.

Birth control can be frowned upon mainly because it's something that's related to sex. In the Hispanic culture sex is just something you don't speak about with the young women. One just does not bring up something that could take away the consequence and fear of having premarital sex. Which can be a huge problem, many young women and men are uninformed about sex and don't learn about it until Highschool. Which is at the time most teenagers start to have sex; the average age is 17.

Birth control can help to reduce the pregnancy rate. Although the pregnancy rate has dropped, we still hold the highest babies being born to women between the ages of 15-19. It would also be a helpful way to have parents speak to their children about birth control in a more positive light. Along with lowering pregnancy rates, there are some young ladies and woman who have terrible period related issues. Birth control helps to either reduce the pain of periods by stopping them all together or having them happen once every couple months. For all woman struggling to get out of bed in the morning because of period cramps being so painful, the uses of birth control can be for more than just sex.

Valerie's blog concerning birth control and women's health, in general, is informative and useful. The discussion of birth control is a rare topic, especially in a positive way. I enjoyed reading it, along with the article, "The Economy Can't Grow Without Birth Control by Bryce Covert" The whole article was refreshing.

Friday, November 3, 2017

“Gay Vet Supporting Trans Rights”: Trump’s Transgender Ban Blocked

       In the article by Dave Phillips, "Judge Blocks Trump’s Ban on Transgender Troops in Military" the piece shows that not all political figures take the Constitution lightly. The Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly is a significant example of this. She is a Federal Judge from the District of Colombia, who has made a temporary block against a White House policy. One of which that has created a tremendous amount of controversy, Trump wanted to pass the policy against Transgender troops. The plan would not allow the service of Transgender people in the military. The motive for Trumps suggestion to adopt this policy was due to his “disapproval of Transgender people in general.”
       However, Judge Kollar-Kotelly made it very clear the plan would be unconstitutional in a 76 page ruling against the proposal: “There is absolutely no support for the claim that the ongoing service of transgender people would have any negative effective on the military at all.” says Judge Kollar-Kotelly. The Judge's repeal against the policy reassured supporters and members of the LGBTQ community. There have been a few issues that arose from this verdict, but civil rights groups have made more lawsuits against the plan and the administration. Although, some lawsuits are still pending. The article gives a well-detailed cover on the people who are trying to help LGBTQ community as well as the steps they're taking to fix the government from the inside out. People like Judge Koller-Kotelly help to interpret the constitution, as well as fight for those who fight for the rights of others.

Blog Stage Eight: Comment on a colleagues work #2

"The Struggle is Real," the most accurate phrase of 2017. This blogger,  couldn't have summed it up any better on her blog, &...